Select the date, number of people and the type of session that you'd like to register for. PLEASE NOTE: Shows are listed under the "Other" session type.
Please be patient. It may take up to a minute to receive a response.
Session Cancellations Trapeze School New York reserves the right to cancel any flying trapeze session which has less than four (4) students enrolled 24 hours or less before the session start time. Enrolled students will be notified if the session has been cancelled.
Session Card Note: Session cards may be used for a maximum of 3 people in the same session. If you would like to use your session card and book more than 3 in session, you'll need to create separate signups.
Who can fly/weight limit:Our program is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of people. Whether you are athletic or not, afraid or not, ready or not, we are committed to creating a fun and safe flying environment. At all weights we are concerned with safety. For students near or over 205 lbs, we have increasing concerns about the safety of both students and staff. If management feels it would be unsafe for either the student or for staff due to student weight or physical fitness considerations, TSNY reserves the right to discourage or deny participation. Please contact the School Office with questions regarding the weight limit.
Waivers: To participate in sessions at TSNY, you'll need to sign a waiver. STUDENTS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 must have a waiver signed by their parent or court-appointed legal guardian before they will be allowed to participate in the session. Relatives, friends and nannies cannot sign unless they have been designated by a court as the legal guardian for that child. If you have any questions please give us a call. GROUPS: If you are signing up a group of children, bring signed waivers for each child with you to your session.View Online Waiver | Why do I have to sign a waiver?